
"Traffic sucks"

Well then ride a bike. Don't have one? Come get one here, there are three...go steal one.


graffito: a rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls

Looks like this is one rude decoration. Since graffiti is a rude decoration, Los Angeles must be a rude city?

Los Angeles has amazing graffiti art. Graffiti isn't tagging...though Los Angeles has lots of tagging, this to your left isn't tagging, its graffiti..The artist/s didn't make this in ten seconds flat, this art takes time.

People from other cities tell me that Los Angelinos are rude people, but I wouldn't be able to give my opinion because I have never lived in a city far from Los Angeles. Though I definitely see why others would see us as rude....Heck if you dare look and smile at a stranger, people will most likely find it as an offense, at least in Los Angeles. Why? I don't know....


The Night Life

With LA Live, Los Angeles has tried to become a city that does not sleep. I do not believe that a couple of restaurants, a theater and some bowling lanes keeps Los Angeles awake. Good try though.

This picture shows some "night life" that many people go through, waiting for the bus. 



The all too familiar for those awesome car commercials. I have to put this up since this is part of Los Angeles. I too am guilty of taking some night shots of Downtown, but who wouldn't? Its a nice little place, thought it really isn't as important as the historic Central Business District, since one doesn't have to come here to conduct business.



This reminds me of the border, it looks lonely... Anyways, he is carrying some tar, probably got it from the La Brea Tar Pits.


Another truth

This is how many people live in Los Angeles, their whole life in a stroller. This is one occasion where "a dog is a mans best friend" can be used...he has two dogs, the other one hid when it saw my camera.  
FYI 82,000 people are homeless on any given night in Los Angeles. That's almost one and a half Dodgers Stadiums.....


Micas Micas! Viva America Putos.....

Chicka Chicka yeah! Fake ID Fake ID.  So this guy might be hailing a taxi, since it is legal in LA now, but I highly doubt it because I took this picture in MacArthur Park and this is THE place to get your fake ID. What pisses me off the most is that some people were brought to the United States at a young age by their parents (unwillingly) and now they are stuck here without "legal standing". And shut the fuck up you assholes who say "go back to where you came from", where to? A place where they were born and lived for when they were 2 years old? Go back home? This is home. Fuck you.

(A little off topic).....There are kids out their who are finishing college and knowing that they are out of luck for now because they won't be able to get a job because of some stupid document....These kids actually give a damn about their education and don't complain and all the glory to them if they do complain because they can. Please be a kind human and not complain about a fucking test.

A friend told me about a program that would help "illegal immigrants" gain 'some' status by paying a fine and having to stand in the back of the line. Whoa, the back of the line? Welcome to the Sixties....Again, why should someone who was brought here unwillingly have to stand in the back of a line?  Even most who came willingly came for the better, to get a job even if it means cutting your grass everyday. Why do we act like the United States is 'the land of the free', THE nation of the world? What kind of shit are we showing when we cant even help our own, yes OUR own, we are here to stay, we are Americans too. The United States has treated their people horribly in the past, scalped Native Americans( and paid people to do so), hung Blacks because of their skin color, imprisoned Japanese for pathetic reasons, allowed massacres around the world all the while we killed in war and now treat people unequally because they don't have "papers".

But as long as people don't care enough, things won't change. Another friend said something else, "People riot when the Lakers win a championship but not when their schools are failing". This can be said for immigration as well. Maybe I don't care enough, I'm just another kid posting on his blog about how fucked this world is right?


1/2 the truth.

This is one reality of Los Angeles and of many other places around the world. I took this picture for a school project and my professor didn't like it, she said that I took it for my own benefit.My project was about "How Los Angeles really is" and I would be lying if I didn't show this picture. I am not making money off of this, I am not getting fame from this, just showing the way it really is, and many people don't realize that some people live in a bus stop. My professor was wrong, she should have opened up her mind...I ended up getting a B in photography, maybe because this pissed her off.. About face, get an A.



This is what I call Transit Oriented Development. Go L.A.


Time Out

Sometimes you just have to sit down and chill bro.


Daily dose of Vitamin P

If you ever feel like eating some feet, come to this place....I wonder if they charge extra for nails?
I like how they are paying tribute to Cantinflas too.


We Can't be beat!!!

" I don't have money for a tattoo right now" Well chances are now you do. Again, would you  trust this place? $30 tattoos....well look at the bright side, the price can't be beat(Unless you're in jail and get one for free..or it may come with a certain price...ouch). Sorry High Voltage, looks like you will be going out of business soon.


Rainy Day.

I took this picture this morning driving around to take some other picture....Anyways I look at it now and it just makes me wonder why people( including myself) don't pull over and ask others if they need a ride. This guy might get sick....Maybe we just don't trust people we don't know, and I don't blame ourselves since we go out and rape people... Is this distrust just in Los Angeles or is it everywhere else?

Also, I hope that dog isn't getting wet, I like dogs =]